Weqas Connect

Weqas Connect

We are delighted to announce that our new participant portal, Weqas Connect has been launched.

Key Features

Single Interactive Portal for all programmes.
Single log-in across all programmes.
Participant administrators have full control over user creation and management.
Alert notifications for sample shipments and approaching closing dates for result submission.
Kit and calibrator data captured to assist with troubleshooting investigations.
Wider repertoire of reports, including Distribution Letters to assist POCT Co-ordinators and new performance surveillance reports.

EQA programmes available on Weqas Connect

ProgrammeAvailable From
AmmoniaNovember 2022
b123 Co-oximetryNovember 2023
Bile AcidsJune 2023
Blood GasNovember 2023
BNPJanuary 2023
Co-oximetryNovember 2023
CRPJune 2023
ED ToxicologyJune 2022
EndocrineAugust 2023
HaematinicsAugust 2023
HaematocritNovember 2023
HomocysteineJune 2023
hsTroponinApril 2024
LipidAugust 2023
NT-ProBNPJanuary 2023
pH MeterAugust 2023
pO2 AccuracyNovember 2023
POCT CardiacJuly 2023
POCT CreatinineOctober 2023
POCT CRPJune 2023
POCT Glucose & KetonesApril 2024 & June 2024
POCT HaemoglobinSeptember 2023
POCT INRJuly 2022
POCT LipidsOctober 2022
POCT Urine ACRNovember 2023
ProcalcitoninJune 2023
Quantitative Faecal Hb (FHb)February 2023
Serum ACEJuly 2023
Urine ChemistryAugust 2023
Urine Oxalate & CitrateAugust 2023

When will it happen?
The migration process to move programmes over to the new website has started and participants enrolled in these programmes will be notified as each migration occurs. We are planning to migrate a few programmes each month rather than migrating all 50 programmes at once. This will allow time for you to familiarise yourself with the new platform and time for us to thoroughly validate the platform for each of our varied programmes. To help us to move your EQA programme to our new portal, we need your help to check your information.

What do you need to do?
You will be sent a spreadsheet of the details we hold for your organisation prior to each programme roll out. We would appreciate it if you could please update and provide the information required as soon as is practicable. Immediately prior to the release of a Weqas Connect Programme you will be sent a letter explaining what to expect and where to download information. Participants will receive a letter to explain the process prior.

As we move towards a more sustainable future we have taken the decision not to distribute hard copy return sheets or instructions for use when programmes are migrated over to Weqas Connect. Links to instructions will be sent with automated ‘samples shipped’ emails for every distribution. Customised reporting templates can be created should you wish to print these internally; instructions will be given at each programme release.

How do we use Weqas Connect?
We are excited to announce our new Learning Zone. On these pages we have tutorials to help you navigate Weqas Connect and benefit from all its functions to make your work lives easier. To access the ‘How to use Weqas Connect’ tutorials, you will first need to register an account. Once you have registered, you can use your unique login to view and move through the tutorials. Your profile will allow you to access the tutorials and will save your progress for each tutorial viewed.

Weqas Connect Hierarchy Examples

Laboratory Example


POCT Example

Weqas Connect User Roles