Urine Drugs of Abuse

Urine Drugs of Abuse

The demand for Point of Care Drugs of Abuse testing has risen rapidly over the years due to a variety of Medical, Professional and Legal reasons. We are piloting a Urine Drugs of Abuse programme for Point of Care testing sites, this will be free of charge until April 2016.

This Pilot scheme has been introduced with the aim of designing an improved product for testing that is commutable, stable and fit for intended purpose. During this pilot, we aim to assess current PoCT practice including decision thresholds, criteria for result interpretation and report formats. We also provide education and training to understand the importance of evidence based quality assurance for minimising pre-analytical errors and reporting of erroneous test results.

Urine Drugs of Abuse

Three fresh filtered urine samples will be distributed monthly to participants registered for the Pilot scheme.

Urine Drugs of Abuse Programme
AnalyteApprox. Range Covered
Amphetamine0 - 3000µg/L
Amphetamines Group ScreenQualitative n/a
Benzodiazepines0 - 1000µg/L
Barbiturates0 - 1000µg/L
Buprenorphine0 - 30µg/L
Cocaine0 - 1000µg/L
Cannabis0 - 400µg/L
EDDP0 - 1000µg/L
Heroin0 - 30µg/L
Ketamine0 - 3000µg/L
MDMA0 - 3000µg/L
Methadone0 - 1000µg/L
Methamphetamine (mAMP)0 - 3000µg/L
Opiates (Morphine)0 - 1000µg/L
Phencyclidine (PCP)0 - 75µg/L
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)0 - 3000µg/L

Browse all POCT EQA schemes


UKAS Proficiency Testing 4301UKAS Calibration 4301

EQA Programme Enquiry

    Forename / First Name*

    Surname / Family Name*


    Client type*

    Weqas Participant / Lab Code (if known)


    What EQA programme are you interested in?

