

AACC Chicago

Anyone attending the AACC’s annual conference in Chicago next month will know how large an event it is, that is why planning your visit can help you get the most out of your time. To help with this we’d like to hear from anyone that would be interested in booking

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Weqas Team Building 2018

All the staff here at Weqas took part in a team building day on Wednesday 7th March. This day was organised by HCE Adventure and was comprised of various activities including a Countryside Clue Hunt, Clay Shooting, Team Building Challenges and Archery. This day served as an excellent opportunity to

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Annual Conference 2017

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that attended our annual conference last year! If you would like copies of the presentations, you can find them below. Also, if you haven’t already completed the feedback survey then please click this link. We really appreciate all feedback

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Programmes In Development 2017

• ROTEM Sigma • Procalcitonin • Actim PROM • D-dimer • PAMG-1 • Calprotectin For more information, please email If you are interested in registering for a programme in development email

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IIFC WorldLab – Durban

I am currently at the IFCC Wordlab in Durban: Just listened to a fantastic presentation from Prof Delanghe from The  University of Ghent on Non invasive glycation testing. This is a fantastic achievement especially for accessibility of diagnostic testing in the developing countries in sub Saharan Africa. Ideal for

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Urine Drugs of Abuse Programme is now UKAS ISO 17043 Accredited

We are proud to announce that our Urine Drugs of Abuse Programme is now ISO 17043 accredited. Please click on the link below to download our poster recently presented at EuroMedLab in Athens.

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Annual Conference 2016

Rebecca Davies, Business and Marketing Lead [wp-svg-icons icon=”bubble” wrap=”i”] Annual Conference 2016 The annual conference for 2016 took place on the 13th & 14th December at the Hilton Hotel in Manchester. There were more than 130 participants in attendance over the two days – thank you to everyone that attended! A

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Waters TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

We have just taken delivery of a new Waters TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, coupled to an ACQUITY UPLC System with 2D LC Technology. The Weqas Reference Laboratory is the first clinical laboratory to have this Waters flagship instrument in the UK. Such an exciting acquisition will enable the Reference

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New For 2017

Our marketing team are currently looking at organising regional EQA workshops which will cover EQA interpretation for basic level through to advanced level for both Lab and PoCT. Possible locations for 2017 are: Dublin, Edinburgh and Oxford. To register your interest in a regional workshop in your area please email

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non-HDL Cholesterol

Weqas will be offering non-HDL Cholesterol as a new analyte as part of the Lipids programme. This will take effect from September distribution.    

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